
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

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PTSD was first taken seriously when the Vietnam veterans returned from the war. Combat experience is the most commonly linked to this disorder. However, studies have shown that there are many different causes. These studies were applied to a wide variety of traumas that people have experienced in various horrific events. According to The National Institute of Mental Health, “about 4% of American adults ages 18-54 suffers from PTSD in a given year. These people have served in wars, have been raped or mugged, lived through natural disasters, terrorist attacks or car or plane crashes” (Mitchell). Anyone who experiences an unnerving situation is at risk for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD is seen as more of an archaic disorder in the …show more content…

It won’t go away and its not helping them resume a normal life” (“War Lingers”). According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, about 12%-20% of Iraqi soldiers are estimated to have PTSD and less than 2/5ths of these soldiers will get the help that they need. These symptoms have lead victims to dangerous coping mechanisms and many have found comfort in alcohol. This greatly increases endangering themselves as well as everyone else around them. Although these people may feel like they are escaping themselves, they are actually endangering everyone around them, including themselves. Veterans with this disorder are fighting to get back to normal again because all of the death and destruction has had such a big impact on their lives. The horrifying experience has had a detrimental effect on their lives. Combining alcohol with the symptoms of the disorder is a disastrous idea. People with this disorder should not have to live in this kind of pain. These victims feel as if they are alone and that something is wrong with them. This is not true, they can get the help that they need and stop the pain. People with this disorder can get the help in many different ways, including different types of therapy: group, cognitive-behavioral, and exposure therapy. There is also an option for medication. The anti-depressant pill, which is called serotonin reuptake inhibitor, makes people feel less sad and anxious. In most cases, a combination of this

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