
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )

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In order to cope in a healthy manner, it’s a good idea to first find out if you have post-traumatic stress disorder. It is extremely comforting to find out that all the feelings and emotions you are experiencing are completely normal for what you’ve gone through. By talking to a therapist I found out that I wasn’t going crazy every time I felt a car begin to turn, or the nauseous feeling I got every time I walked past where my accident happened. It didn’t matter how much time had passed, because “Long after a traumatic experience is over, it may be reactivated at the slightest hint of danger and mobilize disturbed brain circuits and secrete massive amounts of stress hormones” (Kolk 87). She helped me create a trigger chart, identifying specific items and the feelings associated with it. This helped me to expect and begin to control myself when I could feel a panic attack approaching. Learning more about PTSD, reaching out for support from family members or friends, relaxation exercises, and especially talking to a doctor or therapist are very healthy and helpful ways of coping with stress. Many people don’t believe therapy will be beneficial to them, or feel uncomfortable talking about something so personal with a complete stranger, but they are truly there to listen and help you work through your problems. “Both therapists and client work to build a ‘collaborative relationship’ based on persuasion rather than coercion, ideas rather than force, and mutuality rather than

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