
Poverty And Depression In Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

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The Jungle

In “The Jungle” Upton Sinclair writes about how back in the 1870’s, also known as the gilded age, there was lots of poverty and depression because lack of jobs and money. There is many themes such as, Poverty, depression, and Irony. Most of the people back then were either poor or rich there was no middle class. Someone considered middle class would be a robber or a thief. One example of depression is Jurgis moves to the us to live his American dream life but when he gets here he discovers it’s not what he thought it was.
People were dishonest in the gilded age because that was the only way you could make a living. Everyone was trying to get ahead of everyone else. Back then it was survival of the fittest basically that’s why the novel is titled The Jungle. The majority of the people were low class people so they were all poor and hungry. Some people begged for money and some worked. The people that worked didn’t get payed good enough for how much they worked. Some people like Jurgis Rudkis did both. People were just trying to survive and were doing all they could. All this was taking place in chicago, and back then it wasn’t very clean and sanitary so there was many people getting sick and getting infections. They couldn’t afford the hospital bill so they just didn’t go, which would lead to more deaths.
Jurgis was a good man before he moved there. He was a good honest and worker who would always work hard and do what he was told. After a while with the way everything was, he started to change and adjust to everything. Being honest and always doing the right thing would either get you killed or you would become homeless. You would have to lie to get through work. You would barely get to see your family because you’re working from morning to night. He started to turn into a criminal by stealing stuff. He beat up his boss because he raped his wife. He went to jail for that my dog that aint cool you can’t be doing that man. When he first moved there he was buff and healthy but now that he been there for a while he’s starving and his house isn’t sanitary or clean so he’s very unhealthy. He becomes selfish because he starts stealing from everyone like his friends, coworkers, and boss.
This whole things

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