
Poverty And Poverty Essay

Decent Essays

Did you know that more than 45 million American children are currently living below the poverty line? Every day, children often wonder where their next meal will come from. There are many several why kids in the United States in are still suffering from below the poverty lines and how it affects them. Living in poverty can affect American children and adolescents emotionally, physically, mentally, and socially. Living in poverty can exponentially affect a child emotionally, as well as socially. If we are speaking about a child that is still in their developing years, affection and communication is crucial for a child’s development. According to the Center of Poverty Research or University of California, Davis, a child’s brain develops rapidly around the ages of 3-5, and an emotional bond is needed in order for the brain to completely form properly. This is why young children often crave touch and attention. Every time a caregiver engages with a child, such as hugging, reading to them, singing, or even simply speaking, the brain grows and the child is more likely to be emotionally stable and know how to deal with their emotions properly. A child’s growth would also benefit from living in a healthy, safe, and clean environment. With that being said, many mothers with children living in poverty do not always have time to make sure their children are being emotionally cared for. This might be because the mother is too busy trying to make sure all of her children’s physical

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