
Poverty In Poverty

Decent Essays

The statistics of children in poverty struggling with their academic studies are sadly apart of an ongoing list. “More than 15 million children were living below the Federal poverty line in 2009. These children are at increased risk for poor health and developmental outcomes concurrently, including lower vaccination rates, higher rates of severe chronic disease, and conditions that require medical attention, and more cognitive and behavioral difficulties” (Kaminski, Jennifer W). More often than not these children are ignored, overlooked, and given the cold shoulder. “A high school student can’t read because her family can’t afford the glasses she needs. Another can’t drink his tap water because it’s contaminated. An eighth-grader can’t call his friends because his family has no phone. A tenth-grader can’t get online because she doesn’t have electricity, let alone a computer” (Ford). Citizens of Ponca City overlook these underprivileged children because they think they do not have the power, or money to help them. Little do they know, Ponca City High School has the power to create an after school club to encourage and assist in students academics. This is the best idea because teachers and volunteers care for these kids, and will go out of their way to encourage and help them reach their highest potential. Not only can these volunteers help with homework, they can inspire a student to go to college, start a career path, and overall change their mindset that they will never be

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