
Power In The Middle Ages Essay

Decent Essays

Forms and uses of power during the Middle Ages were very influential to all aspects of societies. Power affected how people lived their lives during the Middle Ages because it had a role in religion and government. It also affected people differently according to what status you held within the community. Gender was also a factor in how power affected people during this time because men and women were treated very differently during the Middle Ages. Forms and uses of power during this time would alter societies for a very long time to come.
One form of power during the Middle Ages was Francis of Assisi rule within religion. Francis’s rule affected religion during the Middle Ages because under his rule he encourage men to observe the holy Gospel …show more content…

These secular rulers were always seeking to broaden their authority over people living within their lands, including the clergy. The pope resisted such efforts from these powers, specifically King Phillip IV because the pope believed that he had exclusive jurisdiction over clerical matters (Boniface III). In regards to religion this contest of power had a big impact. The main reason Pope Boniface III and King Phillip had conflict was the taxation of church lands in France. The church lands had never been subject to taxes but with wars raging in the surrounding areas kings need money to support their armies. Pope Boniface viewed this taxation levy as a challenge to the church’s power. Boniface viewed the church as the supreme power on earth. The pope also threatened that any king, emperor, or anyone else who attempted to tax the church lands would be excommunicated from the church. This also affected government because of the pope’s refusal to pay taxes from the church lands would weaken the surround armies because of the loss of revenue. In regards to social classes these secular powers affected the different ranks differently. The higher ranking classes were not as affected by the conflicts between these powers because lower class people during this time were not able to pay the higher taxes. The lower classes faced very tough times during these

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