
Power Of Expression In Rap Music

Decent Essays

The Power Of Freedom Of Expression In Music

Throughout the years, Music has always played an influential part on our social behavior. I personally believe that the Music we listen to everyday, the lyrics we hear are favorite artist sing or rap has a key part into how we conduct ourselves. Why should we oppose censorship when corporations pay thousands of dollars to create a murder scene and mayhem in a music video and release it to the public and it usually dominates the TV screen, when works of art can be seen as a direct insult to people's' religious beliefs, threatening to the public and when much sexually explicit material can be seen as degrading to women. The freedom of speech amendment gave artist the right to express themselves in their music is greatly affecting our youth, and really any person who is mentally …show more content…

For example, Rap music was originally made to express someone’s personally feelings through rhymes. Rap music became very popular in the 1980’s with popular groups and artist like Kid n Play, Kriss Kross, Slick rick and Run DMC. But as the 1990’s came with all the nationwide issues going on at the times with the Rodney King beating, Police brutality, and just the high level of murders everywhere, a new style of rap music was formed. With this new style of rap, new rap artist from different parts of the country started to become big time because they rapped about selling drugs, beating woman, and the retaliation against cops. When the rappers such as 2pac, Biggie Smalls, and Dr. Dre rap, they tried to connect with their audience with personal experience they both shared. The song Cop killer is the best example, with all the police brutality and African Americans being attacked by police officers in the early 1900’s, rapper Ice T created the song cop killer to

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