
Power Of Jealousy In Othello

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Othello is one of the four great tragedies from William Shakespeare, who is widely referred as the greatest writer in the history of English literature. In this play, jealousy is one of the key factor that leads to the tragedies of the characters. Othello has promoted Cassio as his lieutenant, which evoke Iago’s jealous. Thus he slandered Cassio and Desdemona, which directly brought to Othello’s tragedy. Iago realize Othello’s weakness, utilized his true love with Desdemona. Driven by jealousy, Othello readily believed Iago’s rumour and killed his innocent wife. After that he finds he has murdered his beloved wife by misunderstanding, he cannot face his guilty and killed himself and died beside Desdemona.
Jealous is a normal emotion of human, but excessive jealousy will make people query themselves, their mind will be uncontrollable and lose the ability of self judgement. People will become emotional and impulsiveness. Driven by the power of jealousy, the evil will stay in people’s mind like a monster. Ultimately causes tragedies and self destruction. In this play, jealousy is mainly portrayed through the two major characters, Iago and Othello. Iago’s jealousy comes from the position of Othello and Cassio, as well as his ambition. Othello’s jealousy comes from both of his inferior nature and Iago’s deceive. The power of jealous makes he changes his self esteem through the play and credulous of other people. Iago is the planner and performers of the entire event.

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