
Power Of Knowledge In Frankenstein

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In the real world, the power of knowledge has a significant effect on human nature, as it gives people a sense of their surroundings in the world. In modern society, people have interpreted knowledge to be a good thing, and never look at how it can have a negative impact. People assume knowledge is good as it has lead to the modernization of our world and also has led to many discoveries. Knowledge is facts, information, and skills acquired by an individual through experience or education. Knowledge has created a separation between people, and the intelligents usually rise above. The novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, describes the story of Victor Frankenstein, a scientist, and his creation of a living being from parts of disentombed corpses. Victor and the rest of society rejects the monster because of his appearance. Both Victor and the monster go on powerful adventures where they learn more about themselves, and each other. While the monster and Victor’s adventures are told, the power of knowledge in Frankenstein has an impact on the advancements of their actions and the greater plot because it creates a new perspective for the characters. It supports In the beginning of the book, Frankenstein talks to his professor about his interests in science. The professor tells Frankenstein the wonders of science, and how it has affected the world. “The ancient teachers of this science,’ said he, ‘promised impossibilities, and performed nothing. The modern masters promise very

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