
Power Of Words In Liesel's The Book Thief

Decent Essays

“You never know when a moment and a few sincere words can have an impact on a life.” (Ziglar) In The Book Thief, Liesel uses the power of words to positively influence how people feel. This can be seen through Liesel’s interactions with Max throughout the novel. Similarly, the story of “The Word Shaker” shows the powerful influence of words both good and bad. Finally, Liesel’s interactions with Max, provide yet another example of how words can make a positive impact on another person. The positive effect of words can be seen through the actions of Liesel’s character in “The Word Shaker”. However, words can also be used in a negative way in like in“The Word Shaker” when Max is trembling at the words of Mein Kampf and when in “The Word Shaker …show more content…

These words were uttered with the purpose of hurting and discriminating against others. The trees in Max’s story “The Word Shaker” represent how Hitler slowly began to gain control by planting words and symbols using them to influence and spread his power. The story says that, “ He [Hitler] invited his people toward his own glorious heart, beckoning them with his finest, ugliest words, handpicked from his forests. And the people came.” (Zusak 445) This quote represents how Hitler carefully picked his words with the hope of creating a negative depiction of Jews. Eventually, people become influenced by these words and begin to repeat them. The text continues on to say, “Some were employed to climb the trees and throw the words down to those below. They were fed directly into the remainder of the Fuhrer’s people, not to mention those who came back for more.” (Zusak 446) When Hitler had gotten followers to bring followers, his power grew exponentially and enabled him to further persecute the Jews. People that know the power of words can change a person in the word or use them for self gain. In Hitler's case, he used the dark power of words for personal

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