
Power Of Words In The Book Thief

Decent Essays

Words are a powerful way to communicate they can determine the way you think they can determine the way you feel and they can especially determine the way you feel about others.
In germany where ¨The book thief” takes place the ruler Adolf hitler used his power of words to gain full power of Germany and also to gain full power of his fellow citizens minds. Adolf hitler used his power of words in many different ways such as; using propaganda to make people believe in anything he wanted them to but mostly he targeted jews and communist. Throughout the story the power of words were inflicted through liesel. When liesel first arrived to the hubermanns home she didn’t know how to read or write. When she went to school and they realized …show more content…

Liesel also uses her words to hurt llsa hermann when she tells liesel that she couldn't afford to pay rosa for work anymore and liesel tells her she is pathetic because she can’t cope with her son’s death (262). Llsa gives liesel a book so that she could write what she wanted to write in the book and liesel decides to write a book of her life while the lives of everyone she loved was being taken by the bombs that were dropped on the place know has himmel street all because of a miscommunication of words. So words can not only hurt and heal but can also take the soul of someone if not properly communicated . At times one may feel words don't really matter or you may feel no one is listening, but someone may be listening even when there's a feeling that they're not . Max is an great and obvious example of this. When max became ill liesel would read to him on a daily basis as though “the words alone could nourish him” (328). On another note of how words can heal and hurt death holds onto liesel's book and it makes him understand the human race more figuratively giving him a new set of eyes and he realized that he is haunted by humans and their

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