
Powerful Words In Romeo And Juliet

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Great books consist of powerful words, words which express a character’s emotions. These sentences showing adoration or insult can be vital to the plot of the story as one line of deep emotion will drastically affect the plot of a book. Emotional moments can be located on many occasions in Romeo and Juliet, as emotional sentences can often be spotted when Capulets and Montagues crash, Tybalt is in the scene, or when Romeo and Juliet are eye-to-eye with each other. Powerful words can be seen in Romeo and Juliet with results which better a character’s future, or if they are of insult, they could end up causing the death of men. Powerful words can be found constantly throughout Act 1 Scene 1 of the play Romeo and Juliet. These strong words of hate can be found on page 13, when Tybalt and the citizens say respectively; “What, drawn and talk of peace? I hate the word as I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee. Have at thee, coward!” “Clubs, bills, and partisans! Strike! Beat them down! Down with the Capulets! Down with the Montagues!” These strong words of hate are being tossed around just a few pages into the novel, which could be an act of foreshadowing if words of insult are being said so early on.
During Act 2 Scene 2, more powerful words …show more content…

When used very poorly, the result of a situation can be much different than if speech is used well. Throughout the play, we see powerful words directly and indirectly impact the result of future acts. For if Romeo had told Tybalt that he was now married to Juliet and that they were now related by marriage, Tybalt would respond in a way which would affect the rest of the story. Words can cause either the death or the happiness of a man for the rest of his life, so next time when you approach a stranger, remember what happened in Romeo and Juliet and choose your words wisely, as the words you choose could change your life, for better or for

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