
Pre Conditioning Increases Dc Migration For Vaccine Site Draining Lymph Nodes

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Td pre-conditioning increases DC migration to vaccine site draining lymph nodes (VDLNs) and resulted in improved clinical outcomes in GBM patients 12 newly diagnosed GMB patients who had a gross total resection of the tumor took part in this study. All 12 patients in this study underwent a 6 week course of radiotherapy with concurrent temozolomide. After this patients were scanned for evidence of progressive tumor. 2 X 107 mature pp65 RNA-pulsed DC Vaccines were administered intradermally in the groin on day 21 ± 2 of TMZ cycle 1. The first three DC vaccines were given bi-weekly and for the cycle 4, the patients were randomized to TD or unpulsed autologous DCs. Atleast 6 cycles of TMZ were administered and the Vaccine 4 was continued to be …show more content…

In this study the authors use bilateral vaccination with DCs pulsed withCytomegalovirus phosphoprotein 65 (pp65) RNA. This approach may be restricted by the amount of tissue serving as a source of tumor lysate or tumor derived RNA and thus DCs pulsed with tumor specific antigens may be a limiting factor. Also, These antigens might include shared tumor antigens such as telomerase. A major disadvantage in using whole tumor in form of lysates, apoptotic bodies or RNA is that measuring effector cells in vitro and in vivo is difficult to achieve. Furthermore, The authors haven’t discussed the durability of the Td vaccine in the long time survivors. Only 3 of the 6 patients who received Td did not progress and were alive at the time of analysis. Based on this variation there is a possibility that Td failed to elicit the same immune response in all the patients which could be due to other factors involving tumor microenvironment and more genetic studies to determine whether the 12 patients differed in any genetic mutations should have been performed. There are 4 distinct subtypes of glioblastoma: Proneural, Neural, Classical and Mesenchymal. These subtypes differ by the type of genetic abnormalities they carried and by the patient’s clinical characteristics. In the pronueral subtype there are mutations in the TP53 (TP53 is the gene for a protein that normally suppresses tumor

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