
Preceding Studies Have Identified Role Stress As Being

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Preceding studies have identified role stress as being the direct link to multigenerational nurse faculties intent to leave academia (Gutierrez, Candela, & Carver, 2012; Chung & Kowalski, 2012; El-Sayed, El-Zeiny, & Adeyemo, 2014). The workload of the nurse faculty profession has proven to be one of the highest in stress content levels, by way of the various strains and discontents that lead to burnout amongst nurse faculty (Baker, Fitzpatrick, & Griffin, 2011; Roughton, 2013; Yedidia, Chou, Brownlee, Flynn, & Tanner, 2014). Preceding efforts in the arena of the administrative department provides only one basis to organizational commitment elements that influence multigenerational nurse faculty custody (Tourangeau, Wong, Saari, & …show more content…

The National League for Nursing (NLN) Board of Governors position statement (NLN Board of Governors 2014) stresses the difficulty in maintaining qualified and experienced nurse faculty is due to an increase in retirement and faculty leaving for higher-paying positions in the private sector. A gap in empirical research remains among a plethora of studies (Falk, 2014; Derby-Davis, 2014; Tourangeau, et al., 2012; Garbee & Killacky, 2008; Kowalski, Dailey, & Weigand, 2006). Despite the facts associated with these challenges, the U.S. population demands high quality nurse faculty as well as advanced learning organizations to produce quality nurse graduates. Today nurse faculty is taking part in a historical moment where four generational cohorts of nursing faculty are actively teaching globally. In this study, the researcher will analyze two-generation cohort: Baby Boomers and Generation X. The factors related to generational similarities and differences can be quite complex. This proposed study will explore factors that influence multigenerational nurse faculty intent to remain or intent to leave academia. The phenomenon of multigenerational nurse faculty has presented an interest of administrators in comprehending perceptions and lived experiences factors that influence remain or depart academia (Carver, Candela, & Gutierrez, 2011; Hernaus & Vokic, 2014; Wong, Saari, & Patterson, 2014). While existing

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