
Predetermined Verdicts

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Predetermined verdicts can be found in The Trial and “A Jury of Her Peers.” In The Trial, all of Josef K.’s attempts to prove his innocence result in failure because the court, which is more like a central power in the society he lives in, determined him to be guilty at the same instant he was accused. In this society, there is no chance of being acquitted. There are other options, but K. says, “Both methods have this in common: they prevent the accused from being convicted. But they also prevent an acquittal” (Kafka 161). This was the result of K.’s new knowledge from Titorelli. The concept is that there was no way of truly escaping the pursuits of the court. Even though the court had not told K. what crime he was being charged for …show more content…

In The Trial, judges manipulate K.’s emotions in a variety of ways. It seems as if the court plays a game, and K. is the pawn with no chance of winning. The court does not tell Josef K. why he was accused, and make no attempt to allow him to prove his innocence. The court doesn’t allow K. to prove his innocence because, according to K., “…they’re all in agreement that charges are never made frivolously, and that the court, once it brings a charge, is convinced of the guilt of the accused, and that it is difficult to sway them from this conviction” (Kafka 149). This statement is based on facts given by Titorelli, which present the concept that K. cannot truly be freed from the court. Although K. is not allowed to prove his innocence, he is allowed to go about his normal life despite the upcoming trial. The court allows K. to do this so he will believe that he has a chance of winning the case, but they know this is not true. The best evidence of the court playing a game with K. is the use of a fake audience to taunt K. during his meeting in the courthouse. These actions of the court show that the judges truly do not care about defendants in legal cases. Similarly, the men in “A Jury of Her Peers” display sexist ideology. Sherriff Peters even shows sexism against the accused Mrs. Wright by saying, “Well, can you beat the women! Held for murder, and worrying about her preserves!” (Glaspell 91). This …show more content…

In The Trial, judges choose to select people to be guilty of a crime that they may or may not have committed. This does not serve a practical purpose because citizens of the state are harassed and even killed for doing nothing that is against the law. The judges in The Trial also chose to kill Josef K. after he was accused and went through a lot of trouble trying to prove his innocence. This is another demonstration of the court playing their game with K. These immoral decisions made by the judges are demonstrations of the fact that they control all of the power in that society, and the system has been corrupted by the leaders of the court who play games with defendants. In “A Jury of Her Peers” the women decide to withhold evidence from the men, who want to prove Mrs. Wright guilty, in an attempt to protect Mrs. Wright. This may not be evident upon first reading because the women do not actually say that the evidence they found are true pieces of evidence. For example, Mrs. Peters says “it's a good thing the men couldn't hear us! Getting all stirred up over a little thing like a – dead canary” (Glaspell 103) and Mrs. Hale, after pulling out a sewing job that could be used as evidence, said, “Just pulling out a stitch-or two that's not sewed very good” (Glaspell 96). These examples show that the women knew that they had found incriminating evidence, but they were not going to share this with the men because they

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