
Presbyterian Church in America

Decent Essays

About this Denomination: The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) was started in December 1973 and their origin can be traced to John Calvin. The theological distinction of PCA is conservative reformed and the ecclesiology is Presbyterian. “This church was first known as the National Presbyterian Church but changed its name in 1974 to Presbyterian Church in America.” The PCA became a separate denomination from the Presbyterian Church in the United States (PCUSA) due to the “opposition of long-developing theological liberalism which denied the deity of Jesus Christ and the inerrancy and authority of Scripture.” The Evangelical Synod and the Reformed Presbyterian Church joined the PCA in 1982. The belief system of the PCA is based on …show more content…

The vast amount of windows illuminated the inside of the sanctuary which is aligned with plenty of wooden pews for around 800 people. The art displayed is inside the stained glass windows/panels. One of the windows was inspired by Revelation 4:7. There is a rather large stage for live music and worship and a stunning wooden cross on display hanging above the altar. There is another building located across from the sanctuary with adequate classrooms for all age groups. The children’s playground is massive and filled with fun outdoor activities. The congregation started in 1975 and there is over 500 multiracial members. I attended the Sunday 10:00 am service, but prior to service IPC offers an “Education Hour” that focus on a variety of topics to help you engage in Scripture and look for life applications in a more intimate setting. All worship services are spoken in English. After the service, the IPC offers coffee, tea, and donuts to its members so they can enjoy fellowship time on the patio. The bulletin includes weekly interactive ministries such as: music and the arts, Wednesday night refuel, spiritual mentoring, men’s, women’s, youth, young adults, and seniors. I had the opportunity to briefly speak with Lead Pastor Scott Bullock who informed me that the PCA is one of the faster growing denominations in Orange County. He also specified that all members of IPC are entitled to vote on the electing of their congregation officers, but neither women

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