
Prescribed Pasture Burning

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Fire! Most people are alarmed with that word. But fire is a major factor in allowing the grasslands to exist. Native Americans used to burn prairies to get rid of all of the dead grass and allow the new grass to grow for the bison to eat. Burning off grasslands in the spring permits the grass to grow without being restricted by the old, dead grass. Fire also kills the parasites and flies that bother the cattle in the summer. Invasive cedar trees overtake grasses and starve out good native grasses. Other methods can be used to combat them but fire is the quickest and most efficient. While pasture burning may seem harmful to some, it’s an essential way to keep our grasslands and prairies in working order. Native Americans used fire to
(invasive species, old/dead grass)
Our government enforces prescribed burning on land enrolled in Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). Landowners who participated in this program are required to burn this native grass at least once every three years.
Grass needs to be burned fairly often by humans or nature may take its course and possibly get out of control and be disastrous. For example, consider the recent wildfires in California and Colorado. These areas were devastated by fire because nature was left unchecked. Trees and brush growth were allowed to grow at will, providing a perfect tinderbox. Many lives were lost. Homes were destroyed and wildlife died. These areas would have benefitted

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