
Prescription Drug Abuse

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When one feels that they are experiencing pain, anxiety, or sickness whether it is mild or severe, one quick and easy solution is to head straight to the doctor’s office. A patient will describe his or her symptoms of pain to the doctor and more likely than not that doctor will prescribe the patient some type of prescription drug or pain reliever. Writing patient prescriptions and taking drugs for pain has become a socially acceptable standard in society and has also become an essential part of medicine. Today, Americans are spending millions of dollars every year on drugs, both illegal and legal, and both for medical and often non-medical use. However, what many do not realize is that the widespread increase of drug using in America …show more content…

The National Survey on Drug Use and Health conducted in 2010 revealed that nearly half of the American population (47.9%) took at least one prescription drug and 21.4% of the population used at least three prescription medicines in 2010 (SAMHSA). In 2012, 259 million prescriptions for painkillers were written by health care providers which is equivalent to every adult American being able to obtain a bottle of pills ( Physicians are carelessly, but most likely with the best intentions, prescribing too many drugs than are needed. In a study conducted by Rodgers et al., researchers wanted to quantify opioid consumption following upper extremity surgery. They discovered that amongst their 250 participants, patients received on average 30 prescription pills. However, patients on average reported only using at least ten of the pills which meant that, at least “19 pills per subject were reported unused, which resulted in 4,639 tablets leftover for the entire cohort” (Rodgers et al. 645). According to, a survey revealed that over 70 percent of individuals who abused prescription pills obtained them from family members or relatives. Another survey also showed that one of four teenagers revealed that they had taken a pill that was not prescribed for them (Leonhart). Overprescribing by doctors is essentially causing more drugs to circulate throughout the nation, which is ultimately allowing more individuals easier access to drugs. Increases in direct to consumer advertising can also provide individuals the opportunity to try and obtain drugs more easily. In 1999, pharmaceutical companies spent about 1.9 billion dollars on advertising and as of 2015 the number surged to 5.2

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