
Presidential Candidate Sanders Persuasive Speech

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Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is a man who is ready to take on the hard issues of this world. He will not sit back and allow large businesses to pay their way into office. He will not rest while the people of the United States suffer, instead he will rise to the occasion and change America for the betterment of the people, not his pocket book. Candidate Sanders is a man of principle and moral. He fights to change the evils in this world and to create a better tomorrow for you ,your children and, your grandchildren. He will not be bullied or persuaded to change his beliefs by large corporation. He will not lie and manipulate the American population. He will not take away the civil rights of the people. He will not allow racism to cloud …show more content…

Bernie Sanders’ plan to fix this isn’t making everything equal, as many people assume, where the person who works their life away is paid the same as someone who sits and twiddles their thumbs. “Sanders’ plan is just the opposite. First he want’s to increase the minimum wage up to 15 dollars. Though this does sound a little outrageous, it will provide many opportunities for those wishing to excel higher than a minimum wage job. The majority of those in minimum wage jobs, don’t plan to stay there for long, but to move forward they need a higher education, which they cannot afford with the current pay that they have. To touch slightly on education, Bernie plans to decrease the prices for education outside of high school. With the decrease in education prices, the minimum wage prices over time would then be able to lessen back near to the current minimum …show more content…

He will never cease the war against polluters that destroy our environment. This world we live in is dieing, without change now we will destroy the future. We must improve the quality of life for our children our grandchildren and every generation to come. “I will work toward a 100% clean energy system and create millions of jobs. We have little time to aggressively cut carbon emissions. Transitioning to a 100% clean energy system for electricity, heating, and transportation is possible and affordable. It will create millions of jobs, clean up our air and water and decrease dependence on foreign oil.” This is crucial in the fight for a better world. A world full of opportunity not only for but also for you prosperity. A healthy green world.
Sanders plans on bringing the Rebuild America Act to congress which proposes to spend $1 trillion dollars, over five years to rebuild, and improve the infrastructure to modern levels, and in doing so creates 13 million ‘well paying jobs’, the best part being that to pay for these he is going to limit companies on their ability to store their money on tax havens and use the proceeds.This will provide opportunity that the people of america are desperately searching

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