
Prevention Of Hemorrhaging : The Global Leading Cause Of Maternal Death

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Prevention of Hemorrhaging
The global leading cause of maternal death is postpartum hemorrhaging (PPH), which is the loss of more than 500 milliliters of blood after delivery. “More than 30 percent of all maternal deaths worldwide are attributable to PPH, accounting for approximately 130,000 deaths and 2.6 million disabled women every year” (Massachusetts General Hospital, 2016). Not all PPH cases are avoidable or expected, but they can be treated and prevented if bleeding is immediately controlled and managed. This requires the maternity staff to be competent, have sharp critical thinking skills, uterine medications, supplies, and blood products at their disposal. Timing is the key component to saving a woman’s life during a …show more content…

Three hours after giving birth she was pronounced dead, without ever having the chance to hold her baby girl. She had hemorrhaged to death, right under the nose of the same staff she worked with, people she and her husband called not only friends but family. How did this happen? Who was responsible?
Court documents revealed, “Daniel was surrounded by trusted co-workers, so when she began bleeding profusely, her cadre jumped to, immediately administering drugs to stanch the flow. Daniel had lost about 1 ½ quarts of blood — three times the average during birth and about one-third the body 's volume” (Kime, 2016). It was also revealed in the court documents that an obstetrician was called in to take the case from the labor and delivery doctor. A blood transfusion was ordered, however, it was 90 minutes later than what is standard by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists as a potential lifesaving measure. It was entirely too late for a blood transfusion but the team proceeded, only to realize all of her body systems were failing. Daniel’s heart went into an extreme tachycardia and then straight into asystole, and no CPR efforts were able to revive her.
Walter Daniel is left to raises their daughter, Victoria alone. He tried to sue the military for medical malpractice after his wife lost her life during childbirth. “Statistics show that two to three women die each day in the U.S. from postpartum hemorrhage, and cases in civilian

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