
Primitivism Painting : 'Spirit Of The Dead Watching'

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This art study will define the underlying principles of surrealism and female nudity that are found in the Primitivism painting entitled: “Spirit of the Dead Watching” (1892) by Paul Gauguin and Wilfredo Lam’s “Jungle (1944). Surrealism provides a psychoanalytical framework in which the mind tends to repress the primal fears of the mind. The Freudian theory of the repression of the subconscious mind provides an example of the Primitivist style Gauguin utilizes in the “spirit” painting, which defines the primal nudity of women that he releases through this depiction of a Tahitian woman, named Teha'amana. This Tahitian woman, Gauguin’s wife, is an example of a painting that releases the primal sexual instincts of the repressed mind, yet it also defines the fears of the woman that lies in fear of the “spirit of the dead” that watches over her. Lam’s depiction of four nude women in “Jungle” also defines the pressed sexuality, which is released in this surrealist representation of the primal. Surrealism provides an analytical framework in which Gauguin’s depicts the primitive as a gateway to releasing his own desire to release sexual primitive desires through Teha'amana’s female identity. In essence, a historically–based surrealist/psychoanalytical examination of Primitivism will define the release of repressed sexuality in Paul Gauguin’s “Spirit of the Dead Watching” (1892) and Wilfredo Lam’s “Jungle (1944). In a formal analysis, Gauguin’s “Spirit of the Dead Watching” is

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