
Principal Residence Case Study

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Gain Realized on Principal Residence
Before the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, one needed to be 55years of age to exclude a gain from the sale of their principal residence; that they owned and occupied for two years out of a total of five years, and the gain realized was up to $125,000.
Section 121 exclusion allows for one to have a gain on their primary property, up to $250,000 for individual, or $500,000 for married filing joint, without having to pay taxes on the gain of the sale of the primary property.
Principal residence, can be classified as a: condominium apartments, house boats, or a house trailers, and must be the residence that the taxpayer use more than a secondary home. Also, to be considered principal residence for selling …show more content…

During the sale of the properties, the individuals can exclude up to $250,000 of realized gain before having to pay any tax on the income.
The property does not have to be the primary property during the time of the sale for the situations of a couple coming together, as recalled, the exclusion rules that the property be owned by the taxpayer for more than five years and occupied by the taxpayer for more than two years before the sale, and the exclusion was not claimed in the past two years before the sale of the property.
There are always exceptions to the rules; thus, there is also exception to the rule of ownership of a property. Per the rule, for the exclusion of gain realized, one must have owned the property for five years, and occupy it for two years out of the five, but the property can be sold before the two years and a portion of the gain be excluded. The circumstances that applies to the exception are:
1) Change in employment
2) Change in health
3) Death
4) Divorces
5) Multiple births from the same

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