
What Is The Purpose Of The Stanford Prison Experiment

Satisfactory Essays

Stanford Prison Experiment Reflection



Firstly, the main purpose of the Standard Prison Experiment was to produce results showing the behavioral changes and the hierarchy of control that occurred between the prisoners and the guards, as hopefully accurate to the real setting as possible. The setting was to reflect the Naval prisons at the time, as the Navy and Marine Corps showed a vested interest in seeing the processes that would potentially motivate “aggressive/submissive behavior” (Haney, Banks, & Zimbardo, 1973).

Prisons during the time was said to be “deplorable”, guards and prisoners both dehumanized to the point that prompts debate as to whether the fault was of the prisoners who …show more content…

(Haney et al., p. 5).

The prison itself was built within the Standard University’s basement. Construction included three cells with a cot for each prisoner, a small solitary confinement room without lighting, and rooms that were refashioned into guard’s quarters as well as rooms for testing and one serving as an “outdoor” prison yard (Haney et al., p.6). Effort was placed to functionally resemble an actual prison, and all persons who were assigned the “prisoner” role had to remain there 24 hours per day for however long the study would be conducted (Haney et al., p.6). Realism went as far as to serve only adequate meals and scheduled times for recreation or bathroom visits for the prisoners as well as subject them to a lack of privacy and to function under uncomfortable conditions such as loose fitted, matching clothing (to remove uniqueness) and ankle chains (Haney et al., p.6).

Come time to do experimenting, police came to each prisoner subject’s home to arrest them without prior warning or breaking out of their job function to explain the situation, and after processing were taken to the mock prison setup. (Haney et al., p. 10-11)
Guard subjects were given little instruction in how to conduct order within the prison (except to not use physical violence) and were given work shifts to abide by. They were supervised by a “Superintendent” and “Warden” who were

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