
Prison Privatization

Decent Essays

If there’s something North Americans simply can’t get enough of its prison. From Orange Is The New Black about being in prison to Prison Break, about escaping it, there’s a clear common denominator. We love to be entertained by it and perhaps our newfound obsession may help to explain why so many North Americans continue to find themselves in one. America currently has an incarceration rate more than twice that of China, and Canada trailing not too far behind. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, incarceration levels in North America have been steadily rising in the last decade, but not to worry about our national budget, we aren’t taking care of them! Prison privatization was a concept brought to life somewhere around the 1980’s …show more content…

But unlike federal prisons, private ones focus on maximizing gain rather than saving money, and maximizing gain becomes possible with the business practices aforementioned. Not only has the prison itself been privatized, but also the food and medical care. One company in particular is the Aramark Corporation who provides food to prisoners at a lesser cost. If there’s one thing not to be thrifty about, its food, and this proved to be true when there were serious cases of prisoners being mal fed reported all throughout the system. There were 65 reported cases in Ohio alone of food failing to be provided or running out of it, and 5 cases of maggots being found in the food. The Aramark Corp. has also changed their recipes to include cheaper and sub standard ingredients in their food. These prisons are failing to provide these prisoners with basic human care, because the fact that they’re in prison doesn’t change the fact they’re …show more content…

When the state of Arizona attempted to implement the system, medical spending in prisons dropped by 30 million dollars and staffing levels plummeted. With the incarceration rates rising annually, cuts as drastic as these would make it impossible to maintain proper health care. Unfortunately, no action was taken until it was too late. In just the first 8 months of this new budget being put into action, 50 people in the custody of Arizona prisons died whereas 37 died in the last 2 years combined before the privatization. These are human lives being thrown away for the sake of maximizing gain in a system where there should be none at all. One inmate even had to undergo a lazy and dangerous C-section while under Arizona medical care, endangering her life and that of her child. Her doctors reportedly used kitchen sugar, including McDonalds sugar packets, poured it into her C-section and covered it in gauze. Sugar, back in the early 1900’s, was used to treat wounds, but that was before the advent of antibiotics. Sugar is no longer an acceptable medical practice and that is only one of the many inhumane practices happening all throughout medical privatization. If there’s money involved, they will always cut costs and prisoners are the ones who pay the

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