
Prison State Of Kentucky And Juvenile Offenders

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In the film Prison State, the focus was on the juveniles in the state of Kentucky, specifically individuals living in the Beecher Terrace neighborhood. Beecher Terrace is a low-income area that the majority of detainees lived in. Because individuals grew up in poverty they were predisposed to other risk factors that increased their likelihood of becoming a juvenile delinquent and an adult offender later on in life. Two major issues in the state of Kentucky were the over-crowdedness in the prisons and the high cost to incarcerate individuals. The cost to incarcerate a child was $87,000 a year for non-violent offenses. Most juveniles ended up arrested and in juvenile detention centers because of habitual truancy and disregard for parental authority. This film went on to discuss ways to reduce incarceration cost and address the reason why the youth from Beecher Terrace seemed destined to go prison.
Three correlates of criminality in the film were: poverty, mental health status, and family circumstances. The neighborhood, Beecher Terrace was the low-income area where most of the prisoners and juveniles delinquents came from. Neighborhoods like the one in film are the stereotypical type of areas where people in poverty live. The neighborhoods contain large populations of low income residents. A low income neighborhood typically means the schools zoned to the neighborhood are low quality and the crime rate is high. A individuals mental health status is also a predictor of

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