
Pro And Cons Of Vaccination

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One of the most controversial topics today is vaccines. Vaccines have always been known to help with immunity and preventing certain diseases. A study conducted by WHO’s Department of Immunization in 2015 found that the MMR vaccination has saved 17 million lives since 2000. While vaccines have created immunity and have eradicated deadly diseases, there is still concern regarding the safety of some vaccines, as well as disagreement as to whether they should be mandatory. The first known uses of vaccines or variolation date all the way back to the 1500s, but were believed to be practices even before then. In the early attempts to control smallpox’s people used a method called variolation. During this method people would introduce a small amount of material from the smallpox to a nonimmune person. This was usually done with scabs. In return, the once nonimmune person would contract a less server case of the smallpox and then would be immune from the disease. While this decreased the overall amount of people dying, it did not a have complete success rate. Around two percent of people involved in variolation died as a result. As variolation evolved into vaccinations around the 1800s, people were skeptical. This is still the case in society today. These skeptics make up a very small minority not supported by the scientific community.
Many people agree that vaccines have been a helpful tool to society. They have increased life expectancy and eradicated smallpox

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