
Pro Euthanasia

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The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “euthanasia” as “the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy”. Euthanasia is legal in several countries, such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Columbia, and Luxembourg. Assisted suicide is legal in many more countries, including Switzerland, Japan, Canada, and in seven states (Societies). There are two types of euthanasia: passive and active. Active is when a physician actively gives a patient drugs or medications with the specific intention of ending their life, as per request of the patient (Culver). It is often compared by medical professionals to assisted suicide because of the similarities. The key …show more content…

Jewish societies condemn the act of euthanasia as immoral, and often equate it with murder (Resource). Many Catholic societies do the same. However, in ancient Greece a poisoned drink was often used to end the life of a patient in horrible pain or with a terminal illness (Resource). On this, Plato wrote: “Mentally and physically ill persons should be left to death. They do not have the right to live.” While this is not the reason euthanasia is practiced in modern days, we cannot ignore the origins of the practice. In the United States, Oregon was the first state to legalize euthanasia with the Death with Dignity Act passed on November 4, 1997, but in many states it has been decriminalized …show more content…

Mr. Clarence Herbert had undergone surgery for his heart and was left with severe brain damage, leaving him comatose and unresponsive. Seeing as there was no chance of recovery, his family requested he be taken off life support. Two attending physicians were charged with conspiracy and murder after ending the treatment. In the end, the court determined that since the physicians were doing as the family requested, they could not be lawfully punished (Robert H. Philibosian). After Texas passed the Advance Directives Act, six-month-old Sun Hudson became the first patient to have treatment legally withdrawn after he was diagnosed with a fatal disease called thanatophoric dysplasia, which causes severe skeletal deformation and the majority of infants diagnosed with this disease die shortly after birth

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