
Problem Solution Essay: Reducing College Debt

Decent Essays

“Statewide, graduates of Ohio’s more than 200 colleges and Universities carry some of the highest average debt in the country”(Martin 5). College debt has been a staggering issue statewide; students apply to loans they can't handle and the effective of doing so hurts them financially. College debt continues to rise; unfortunately, three solutions have been offered which range from planning, scholarships, and community college. The cost of colleges increasing, leaving a large amount of students in debt. It creates an enormous amount of stress on individuals. For instance, Kelsey Griffith a graduate from Ohio Northern University begins to pay off “ her $120,000 in student debt”(Martin 4). Moreover, with dept this high, Ms. Griffith works two jobs and is forced to move in with her parents to be financially stable. In addition, the demand for college education is high and loans are easily attainable. For example, Ms. Griffith knew her college was expensive, but they disregarded her payments and she soon found she owed “$900 a month” after she graduates(Martin 4). Furthermore, colleges motivate and push students to …show more content…

Community college is an excellent route for reducing college debt. For instance, the average tuition for Arizona state universities is “$9,200” while Maricopa community college average at “$2,280”(NCES 7). Moreover, attending a community college first saves the student $7,430. It’s much cheaper than attending a university for all four years right after high school. In addition, working during high school alleviates debt even more. For example a “high school student who works 20 hours per week(more during the summer, less during the school year) and saves $6 per hour” will save about “$24, 960”(Steinberg 13). Furthermore, this would provide the student with enough money to complete college debt free. After the student could attend grad school with extra money, whether he/she chooses or

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