
Problems Facing Agencies Hoping to Implement Community Oriented Policing Programs

Decent Essays

Agencies hoping to implement community oriented policing programs are faced with several problems or caveats (Oliver. 2004) that must need to be addressed if the program is to succeed. The problems faced during implementation are definition, the role of the police, organizational structure, overcome and evaluation (Oliver.2004). What its COP? Definition or lack of it (Oliver. 2004) is one of the major caveats in COP since everyone will have a different opinion. Finding a common definition will make implementation easier because participants will have the same understanding of what COP will mean to that particular department. For example , a local police department wants to implement a neighborhood watch in a local neighborhood. The department must first define what the program goal is, who would be involved, how they will implement, who will train the public, what would be the level of intervention if problems arise, etc. Both community and police must have a clear understanding of what is it that they want to accomplish. After COP is defined then the role of the police must be defined as well. Easier said than done, Police officers might be willing or unwilling to take on the changes COP brings. It will remain true that officers must be able to perform traditional tasks such as enforcing laws and maintaining order but under COP more will be delegated. Officers must not be afraid of bigger roles or resistance could be an issue that could require compromising on everyone’s

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