
Proclivity And Rapes

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Proclivity used a variety of methods to assess how and which attitudes in society can potentially lead to sexual violence. To be fair the evidence presented in this article did not take into account the manner in which men and women negotiated sexual consent. The research concluded that "men's rape proclivity was associated with personal acceptance of pressuring behaviors but not with their personal or normative acceptance of benevolent dating behaviors." (Strain et. al, 2015 pg. 333) Let us take a moment to breakdown the meaning of this statement in terms everyone is capable of understanding. Within the sample population those men whom were most likely to commit rape were more accepting of behaviors pressured women to have sex yet had little …show more content…

This is a question that for years, has plagued society and yet there is no completely definitive evidence available. However, a recent study published in Psychiatric Annals Vol. 48, Iss. 2 presented rather interesting information relating to the treatment of sexual offenders. "Based on National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) data, an estimated 431,840 rape/ sexual assault victimizations occurred in the US in 2015…," in addition "…it is a commonly accepted belief that the propensity to commit sexually abusive behaviors is chronic and enduring over the life-course with no known cure. However, researchers have found sexual offending behaviors are generally temporal, with average recidivism rates between 7% and 15% after 5 years. Treatment reduces these outcomes further, as the most recent five meta-analyses of sex offense recidivism have found that treatment is effective with a mean reduction of 22% across studies." (Sorrentino, Brown, Berard, Peretti 2018 pg.120) Against the commonly accepted beliefs of many individuals the evidence presented above shows that 22% of males that present sexually offensive behaviors can be rehabilitated through proper …show more content…

Some people watch television shows that not only depict acts of sexual violence, but under the presumption of certain individuals promote sexually deviant behaviors. One television show enjoyed but a large and diverse audience is Game of Thrones. In 2014 the show aired an episode that "Jaime Lannister, returned from a long quest, greets his sister Cersei, with whom he is in an incestuous relationship. Cersei is in mourning for their murdered son, the psychopathic King Joffrey; they meet in his funeral chamber. Cersei turns to Jaime in her grief, weeping 'my baby boy ... our son'. At first Jaime appears to comfort her, holding her and stroking her hair, but then there is a shift in tone; he turns on her, saying 'you're a hateful woman; why have the Gods made me love a hateful woman' and then, before she can reply, grabs her, throws her first onto the funeral bier and then to the ground and, to the sound of her weeping protests and cries of 'no', rapes her (SE04E9)." (Ferreday, 2015 pg. 21) Millions watched and continue to watch Game of Thrones, but scenes such as the one depicted above have no doubt influenced contributed to societies acceptance of sexual

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