
Procrastinate High School Hours

Satisfactory Essays

I procrastinate too much.
Wednesday : I got a new project today, it’s not due till Wednesday next week, so I have six days to do it, but I have better things to do I’ll do it tomorrow.
Thursday : I still have this project six days until it’s due but I have better things to be doing like Netflix and crunchy roll.
Friday : I still have this stupid project, I have five days until it’s due but I have better things to be doing like Netflix and crunchy roll.
Saturday : it’s the weekend I shouldn’t have to do homework and plus I just got a new video game and after that I have to do my chores .
Sunday : I go back to school on Monday, so I have 3 days to do, I can defiantly get it done in time if not it’s just one project, it’s not like I will fail and have to stay in high school forever …show more content…

Tuesday : one day two do I have about 25% of the project done this is bad I wish I had a time machine to go back and slap myself and tell him that “your stupid and you can’t do a 1000 word essay in two days” may the home work and high school gods help me, well it looks like I well be staying in high school

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