
Professionalism in Nursing

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There are many fields and professions in which professionalism is of the highest reputation, and nursing is among them. In the area of nursing, there is much importance to be placed with the improvement of professionalism within the profession. Nursing is a profession that depends on practitioners to perform in a way that characterized the goodness of the wider discipline, as all nurses are in a position of accountability and responsibility. This essay will further look into the topic of professionalism in nursing, the role of a registered nurse, and having competence in relation to this role. Furthermore, this will also discuss how a registered nurse demonstrates professional practice in relation to the New Zealand Nursing Council (NZNC) …show more content…

Nurses should also ensure that they have the experience, skills, and training needed to carry out the task that they are expected to implement with evidence based research. These qualities are included in the second domain which is the management of nursing care. For example, a nurse should have an understanding of the theoretical frameworks which shape the nursing over the years. Such as an understanding of Jean Watson’s Theory of Care and its influence on the development of nursing practice. Furthermore, patients approach nurses due to physical or mental conditions. Thus, nurses should give the best care to address the needs of the patients. With effective communication skills and willingness of patient’s involvement, this relationship will continue to nurture with time as long as there is readiness to listen and harmony from both parties. This relates to the third domain which is interpersonal relationship. Another factor for being professional is collegiality. This connects to the fourth domain which is inter-professional health care and quality improvement. Collegiality is the relationship between colleagues who seek the requirement of respect, mutual trust, and cooperation between team mates (Lorenz, 2013). It is the duty of a nurse to maintain healthy relationships with their team to ensure the patient’s wellbeing. This involves critical teamwork skills particularly when it comes to referrals,

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