
Progressive And Progressive Turtles: The Impact Of Progressive Evolution

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Evolution is a process of living things change slowly in a very long time, so it evolved into a new species more complete body structure. According to the theory of evolution, living now in contrast to living in the past. The ancestors of creatures alive today may experience changes in form and structure. In addition, may experience changes in both the structure and genetics in a very long time, so the shape was totally different from the original and finally generate different types of species present. So the plants and animals living there now was not the first time here on earth, but it comes from living in the past.
There evolutions have two types, which are the progressive and regressive evolution. Progressive evolution means …show more content…

Turtles are one of the forms of life that are very suitable for assessed the evidence for evolution, this is not caused by the skin very easily taken care of but because there are many turtle fossil record. Simply there is no evidence to support that the turtle evolution of the ancestors even though it has been more than a century of fossil exploration area and identifies thousands of fossils.
Turtles are reptiles that are very different from others because of its uniqueness that can be practically useless as a guide to distinguish between potential ancestors, and the origin of the turtle remains one of the unanswered questions of evolutionary biology. There were possibilities that the options for the turtles were almost the entire range of turtle reptile, living and extinct.
The original turtle has long been, and continues to be, a major evolutionary enigma. The oldest turtle clearly identified the turtle. Since turtles appear suddenly in the fossil record, the latest data is not changed with the creation of the event is followed by diversification and

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