
Women Involved In The Prohibition Era

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The Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution, declared on January 1920 at 12:01am, outlawed the “manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors,” (Andersen). America had become officially, dry. Although it was formed to stop drinking completely, it did not even come close. Just 6 minutes later six masked bandits with pistols emptied two freight cars full of whiskey from a rail yard in Chicago (Drink). Prohibition created a large number of bootleggers who were able to supply the public with illegal alcohol. They started the practices of organized crime that are still used today. Women, the driving factor in prohibition, believed that prohibition would make alcohol’s presence in society go away this would resolve the majority …show more content…

Although if you were to vote “dry” you would be in favor of crime rate escalading and increase of bootlegger. Women involved in prohibition would’ve voted for “dry” in order to protect themselves as well as their children, but they were unable to vote because the 18th amendment was not passed at this time (Leah). There is a picture of a family with children. They are holding up signs that say “We want milk” and “No beer”. This show how badly families that these wanted prohibition in order for their own protection and health (Appendix A). There is also a very important photo that says “Please help me keep him pure,” him as being the child she is holding her arms. This photo shows that because women were unable to vote, they tried to make others feel pity for what they are going through (Appendix …show more content…

as a whole, but thanks to prohibition there are little things that made the U.S a better country. There were less arrests due drunkenness, hospitalization for alcoholism, and decreases of liver related medical problems. There was also less violence due to alcohol. One of the best pros of prohibition is the “cut off rule”. The cut off rule is when a man or women simply is too drunk or has had too many drinks so they are then cut off from having anymore alcoholic beverages. Evidently prohibition had created a new set of evils possibly worse than the old and far worse than the pros of prohibition. Not only did it impact certain people, but the entire U.S. as

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