
Proofreading Analysis

Decent Essays

Pity the oblivious Hamid, who sent a beautifully worded email to the Dean of his college signed: “Best Retards, Ham.” Hamid lives in the new world of smartphone autocorrection, where innocuous messages can morph into embarrassing blunders, and the ancient practice of proofreading has long since been forgotten. Unfortunately I, like Hamid, have been seduced by autocorrect’s promise of providing error-free writing without the bother of proofreading. However, Hamid’s cringe-worthy oversight forced me to reevaluate my relationship with autocorrect and similar word processing programs. I have come to realize that when I am texting, tweeting, or using the Internet I typically do not take the time to proofread my writing before hitting the “send” …show more content…

This was the first step in what I fondly refer to as “autocorrect rehab.” I noticed immediately after turning off the feature that texting became far more time consuming. A simple text of “okay” would warp into “olay,” and what should have been a two second text became a twelve second ordeal. As my fingers continued to generate new mistakes for me to fix, the autocorrect function seemed even better than before. Although I almost succumbed to autocorrect’s siren song on the first day, I was resilient and continued to painstakingly correct every …show more content…

I learned how to cope without autocorrect because of the forced self- intervention I conducted; however, what would happen if I restricted myself from using the computer to type my essays? Without the aid of my computer’s intelligence I would be left to my own devices, which is to say I would have a thesaurus glued to the palm of my hand. On a larger scale I think this idea of machine dependency is a modern phenomenon. The days of manual effort are long gone, with machines replacing our need to do anything for ourselves. The only bit of information we need to know is how to use the

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