
Analysis Of Se Habla Esspañol

Decent Essays

“Se Habla Español” by Tanya Maria Barrientos

Summary- In her essay “Se Habla Español,” Tanya Maria Barrientos discusses her struggle of being an English speaker with Latino heritage, her story to search for a sense of belonging. In childhood, she tries to Americanize herself and stay away from any Latino features, including Spanish. Later in her life, as the society become more welcoming to different ethnic groups, it is natural for her to embrace her own group; but her limitation on Spanish causes Barrientos feeling distant. However, Barrientos believes that there are others in the same dilemma and she encourages those to take the pride to be who they are.

Comments- This essay is very striking personally to me. I share some of the feeling …show more content…

Not So Fast,” Andrea Lunsford argues that rather than leading to a new illiteracy, the digital technologies in the modern world help students to develop their ability of writing. Not only that students are daferrors than 25 years ago, actually with less spelling errors. In order to help students with the challenges, the teacher should offer solid instructions and encouragement rather than derision.

Comments- Lunsford perceives technology from a very different perspective than most others do. She holds opinion against those depictions on the negative effect that technology have on students. This is very interesting to me and this is the first essay I’ve seen with the encouraging attitude for students to embrace the digital age.
-The organization of the essay is terrific. The essay starts with introductions on those negative depiction, and soon the author declares her statement and opinion, followed by persuasive evidences and arguments distinguished clearly.

Questions- What does Lunsford mean by “Not So Fast” in the title?-Will it improve the essay if Lunsford offers more details at the end on why and how teachers should change their attitudes towards …show more content…

“The resource shortage compels us to lower carbon consumption.”

“Homeward Bound” by Janet Wu

Summary- In “Homeward Bound,” Janet Wu introduces her traditional Chinese grandma who she rarely knows and her bounded feet. The feet are the concrete example Wu uses to illustrate the incredible distance between she and her grandma, between the modern American culture and the old age in China. Wu feels cheated for the years she lost to spend with her grandma. However, she is looking forward to have more touch with her grandma who she has everything but nothing to say.

Comment- Wu has a unique writing style. There are a lot of powerful sentences in the essay. The first sentence, for example, “my grandmother has bound feet,” carries a lot of information and interests the readers to continue reading.
-Concrete subjects are used to convey abstract feelings. The bounded feet with “marks and callouses” and the “asymmetrical cropped hair” are representatives of two different cultures. This literature device makes the essay more vivid and encourages readers to think.

Her grandmother seems to be a very distant relative to Wu. Some people might live with that weak relationship for their whole life. So, what generates the desire in the author to get closer with her

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