
Propaganda In Malala

Decent Essays

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." The best way to suppress a people is to keep them in ignorance. To keep knowledge from one's mind is to keep bullets from one's gun. The power of knowledge is immeasurable and unsurpassable. In the story of Malala, this truth was self-evident. The Taliban, the aggressors of the story, preyed on the ignorance of the people of Swat. From this lack of knowledge grew fear, which is ultimately what the Taliban used to manipulate the residence of Swat. These tactics however are not exclusive to modern day, or just Middle Eastern countries. Right here in America, these same tactics were used to suppress the African Americans since before the 1950's and 60's. This is were I relate to Malala's struggles as they still correlate to the struggles of African Americans today regarding education.
As I read the story of Malala, I couldn't help but to draw connections between the issues discussed in the novel and issues that African Americans faced and still face today. One of the first examples of these correlations is that of propaganda. In every bout of oppression, you will find that propaganda plays a part in some way. In Pakistan, propaganda took the form of the radio, and in the case of the novel, there was a station was ran by Maulana Fazlullah. In America this …show more content…

Well that I am not so sure of, but one can only hope. Malala displayed a level of bravery and courage that was unimaginable considering her circumstance, a level that I could only hope to have in a situation such as Malala faced. One thing that helped was that her father was already an activist for female education and encouraged her to speak out about what she believed in. The support of her parents and her strong will is what allowed her to drive a widespread education campaign despite the threat of the

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