
Propaganda In The Film 'Why We Fight'

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Propaganda is a valuable device that is able to convey a message that builds into a larger political ideology. Hitler is a prime example of someone that capitalized on propaganda to get the people of Germany to resonate with him and the National Socialist party’s ideology. The main focuses of Nazi propaganda was to provide scapegoats and to bring support for a ultranationalistic state. For example, “Hitler advocated riding Germany of its Jews, whom he blamed for World War I, and communists, whom he blamed for losing the war, and sought to punish the Allies for the peace settlement they had imposed on Germany”. In retrospect it seems bazaar that the people of Germany could support Hitler, however, it became feasible as he constructed both …show more content…

In the efforts of British and American wartime propaganda was also to cement an alliance with the Soviet Union against National Socialism and its allies in the 1940s enchanted the view that Hitler’s regime had nothing to do with socialism”. The emergence of patriotic films was also common in America as that would be one way to construct an identity for Hitler and other perceived threats to America. For example, the film by Frank Capra’s famed Why We Fight series depicted Axis leadership as monsters bent on world conquest. In order to appeal to a broader audience, the American government also commissioned well known American artists like Norman Rockwell to depict American sentiment as something that needs to be protected from the Nazis. These quintessential American images were a completely different way of portraying propaganda in comparison to the demonizing style of propaganda. The idea of resource conservation was another common theme in American propaganda due to the consumer culture that America is based upon. Media campaigns encouraging frugal values and behaviour, typically for the purposes of conceiving scarce resources and protecting the environment. The method of conservation could be seen through active carpooling in order to conserve gasoline that could be used for military

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