
Proposed School Change

Satisfactory Essays

Branson Danecker

Proposed School Change

A good change to the education system that would increase the capabilities of graduate students would be specialization. Specialization mean a student would not have to take advanced classes that focus in areas other than the student’s desired major. This would improve student productivity, increase overall levels of happiness, and increase the aptitude of students arriving in their classes for their major. The idea of specialization in high schools would create students who are eager to learn, coming out of college prepared for their occupation. Focusing a student’s curriculum would increase productivity. For example, if a student is in a class they do not like, they are more likely to be unproductive, …show more content…

Therefore, a student will be less likely to make alterations in their class if they enjoy it, which also makes teacher’s jobs easier, alleviating the common grievances of current educators. Students will potentially have less homework, as they will be able to solve their problems easier, which makes students even more happy with their education. Finally, students will have an increased aptitude for their classes of their major in college. When the students have more time due to them not taking nonessential classes, they will be able to spend their extra time in school in longer classes in, for example, math, if they were going into the occupation of statistics. This reduces the animosity colleges have when they receive students of whether or not the student is prepared for their curriculum. Professors can spend more time on the ideas and subjects that are new, instead of having to extensively review old …show more content…

The implementation of specialization would be a change both students and educators alike would enjoy and benefit from. It would increase This would improve student productivity, increase overall levels of happiness, and increase the aptitude of students arriving in their classes for their major. Providing students this availability to learn what they want to do, and do it productively, would change the face of America’s work force. It would open new jobs, more jobs, and would provide more options for college graduates, which makes specialization a positive idea for school systems to think

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