
Pros And Cons Of Andrew Jackson Dbq

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There is much controversy surrounding whether or not the seventh president Andrew Jackson deserves to be on the twenty dollar bill. While some see him and his policies and dangerous and harmful to the country others see them as necessary. Too achieve most good things, one must overcome challenges along the way. Andrew Jackson however had many significant obstacles, some that resulted badly, that shined a negative light on his presidency. Even though some of the actions Jackson took had negative outcomes they all had the best interest of the country in mind and helped America to grow and prosper. Jackson was a man who helped promote the establishment and growth of the national bank. He saw a central currency as essential to the development and prosperity of the growing economy. According to Document 6, he believed that all people will mutually benefit from a national bank. Trade and commerce will improve the country as a whole, and the country will work more efficiently. Many people however fought against the national bank, but in the end, it was established. The main result of the national currency was that the country was able to trade within itself more efficiently …show more content…

The Indian Removal Act was established to move Native Americans off of American territory who were interfering with US expansion. However because of this act, both the states and the Indians were able to benefit, which is explained throughout document 6. The US was gained more peace within the state and national government, there were less problems that arose. Money on the western frontier was strengthened and grew. States were able to grow and prosper. Additionally, the Indians were now free of further conflict with Americans. If they agreed to move west they would become separate from the United States. They would be able to live on their own, without interference from the United

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