
Pros And Cons Of Banning The Headscarf

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"Should the headscarf be banned?" Recently there has been a push towards banning religious symbolism from the media, especially the hijab. The hijab is a veil that Muslim women wear around their heads to cover their hair and their bosoms; it symbolizes faith and modesty. Many people fear or in some cases feel “bad” for people who wear the headscarf including niqabs and burqas because they are uneducated and/or ignorant of Islamic teachings which lead them to create inaccurate assumptions and accusations on the matter. Most may believe banning the headscarf will benefit the community in ways that they believe will make people feel more comfortable and they also believe that it will benefit the women who wear the hijab because of the belief that Muslim women who wear the headscarf are oppressed, however, banning the headscarf would lead to the contradiction of Canadian values, discrimination, and go against the religious beliefs of Muslims. The prohibition of the headscarf would go against Canadian values. When Steven Harper was Prime Minister, he wanted to ban the niqab, a cloth that covers the face, for citizens who work for the government and “Around 82 percent of Canadians [supported] the niqab ban,” (“Trudeau’s Gutsy Post Victory Speech Shatters Stereotypes”). Having most of the population supporting this decision is relatively disappointing knowing it contradicts the significance of Canadian society, since Canada is acknowledged for its multiculturalism and diversity.

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