
Pros And Cons Of Being A Meatloaf

Decent Essays

There I sat, 6 years old, all alone. As is sat on the hard cement, I shivered. The only heat source I had was the warm tears rolling down my cheeks and the slimy, lukewarm slab of meatloaf sitting on the plate on my lap. The smell of the meatloaf was so revolting, it made me gag even thinking about having to consume it. It mixed with the smell of garbage and baby diapers. But it was my only food, and if I didn’t eat it, i wouldn’t eat anything. It was so dark that I couldn’t even see my warm breath mixing with the freezing air. The only light there was came from the small crack underneath the door that I sat with my back up against. There were faint sounds of talking and laughter coming from the other side of that heavy, wooden door. It was …show more content…

But they were just teaching me a lesson. If they wouldn’t have done this, I would have continued to disrespect them and would have grown up without using manners. And it worked. I was never sent to the garage again after I learned that my words and actions have consequences.

If I did not all of the food that my mom put on my plate, I would have to eat it for the following meal and if I still didn’t finish it, I would eat it for the next meal, and the cycle continued until all of my food was gone. This taught me to be thankful for the food my mom made for me and appreciate what I am given.

I left my bike out in my driveway when i was 4 years and my dad told me to move it twice but I didn’t. My mom had thought I moved it so she backed her car down the driveway and crushed my bike. My parents didn’t knew it wasn’t their fault so they didn’t go out and buy me a new bike like most parents would. They made me pay for a new one by myself, but I didn’t have any money so I had to work for it. I worked all summer doing any job that a 4 year old could do to make enough money to buy a new bike. This taught me that things aren’t just going to be handle to me. I have to work for what I

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