
Pros And Cons Of Elephant Poaching

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1.1. The critical situation of elephant poaching is costing Africa millions in lost tourism income. Many tourists do not appreciate waiting in queues for their cars to be searched at the entrance. Seeing dead animals (such as elephants and rhinos) as a result of poaching, hearing gunshots and the sound of anti-poaching helicopter patrolling the area can scare the tourists and ruin the experience of visiting a nature reserve to reconnect with nature and this prevents tourists from returning. Elephants are one of the biggest wild animals so many tourists look forward to seeing them graze the land and even take a ride on their back. With the threat of extinction, tourists are less likely to visit if they're not able to see the animals that they …show more content…

One of the most effective methods to prevent poaching is to employ wildlife guards and to use sophisticated equipment such as drones and helicopters to survey and protect the animals. This aids in helping the guards to identify and arrest the poachers more efficiently before they can harm any animals. Many people who use the ivory of the elephants or the horn of the rhino do not even know what poachers are doing to get it. By educating the people and creating awareness about the senseless killings that are occurring we can decrease the demand for these goods. Poachers should be rehabilitated and given legitimate jobs to protect rather than harm the wildlife. The government should over shares in the tourism industry to the locals so they can earn a better living and wont feel the need to poach. The people should be shown that it is actually profitable to them to save these animals as the tourism industry is a booming business and they can use this to their advantage. Remove the horn and tusks from these animals as to prevent poachers from wanting to kill them. Encourage people to donate money to organisations that are protecting the wildlife (such as the WWF). Show no mercy to poachers that are caught and use them as an example to scare those who are considering poaching. Attach tracking devices to the animals so that you can monitor its movements and know that it is alive and where it is at all

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