
Pros And Cons Of Flu Vaccines

Decent Essays

Flu vaccines should not be made mandatory for people to take every year. Flu vaccine details harmful ingredients that could cause harmful possibly lethal effects. Healthcare manufacturing companies have made millions from a vaccine. Flu is a continuous seasonal virus that needs to have a cure to begin to people, instead of a costly seasonal treatment. Flu vaccinations should not be mandatory. If you have a job that is based around the healthcare field most likely you have been told it is mandatory for you to receive your flu vaccination to continue to be employed with your job. If you decline to take the flu vaccine, then you are required to sign a decline letter and mandatory mask during your entire time of your work day until flu season is over. The flu may affect individuals of all ages, though the highest incidence of the disease is among children and young adults. Influenza is generally more frequent during the colder months of the year. Infection is transmitted from person to person through the respiratory tract, by such means as inhalation of infected droplets resulting from coughing and sneezing. As the virus particles gain entrance to the body, they selectively attack and destroy the ciliated epithelial cells that line the upper respiratory tract, bronchial tubes, and trachea. The maturation period of the disease is one to two days, after which the onset of symptoms is abrupt, with sudden and distinct chills, fatigue, and muscle aches. The temperature rises

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