
Pros And Cons Of Marijuana Legalization And Regulation

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Models of Policy Formation “Legalizing and regulating marijuana could bring the nation's largest cash crop under the rule of law; this could create jobs and economic opportunities in the formal economy instead of the illegal market” (Marijuana Legalization and Regulation, 2014). For example in Colorado after legalizing marijuana, first year sales rained in at $63 million in tax revenues with an additional $13 million for licenses and fees. Marijuana is such a debatable topic and brings so much confusion amongst society. While debating if it should be legalized there are different models and methods used in the framework of the legislation in regards to this topic. Advocacy coalition is a policymaking framework developed to deal with intense …show more content…

If more states start to legalize marijuana eventually there is going to be a need to create places where this product can be grown and distributed. If there becomes a commercial marijuana industry, there would have some pros and cons. The pros stem from revenue boost to safety controls. Some cons include addictive nature, gateway drug status, and health problems. Some cons include addictive nature, gateway drug status, and health …show more content…

Current legalization efforts indirectly address safety issues; they create a framework for safety control systems. This would work to eliminate some risks that come from smoking a substance possibly laced with toxic ingredients. Gateway drug status-A lot of addiction treatment specialists believe marijuana is a gateway drug with the potential to introduce users to more serious illegal substances, such as cocaine or heroin. Research suggests that its use may be linked to a higher risk of prescription drug

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