
Pros And Cons Of Medical Abortion In The United States

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Abortion is a medical procedure that removes the fetus or embryo is born. Abortion is a highly controversial topic in the United States. Americans who are usually against Abortion as a practice are against because of their moral or religious reasons they call themselves pro-life. They claim that they are violating the right of the baby that is going to be born. Americans who are pro-choice take the stance that it is mainly the women’s choice and it is a human right. In many states abortion Abortion could either be surgical or medical. Most of the abortions in the United States occur in the first trimester. According to the CDC abortion statistics 91 percent of abortions take place during the first trimester, 7.2 percent in the second trimester and less than one percent in the third trimester. The first trimester is going through week 1 to week 2, the second trimester is week 13 to week 12, and the third is anything after week 28. The time span of pregnancy is normally 40 weeks. Medical abortion is when drugs or medication is used to end the embryo or fetus. A surgical producer is when the doctor using the suction to clear out the fetus. In the United States the demographic of women who account for the majority of abortions are unmarried women in their early 20s. About 85.5% of all abortions that occurs in the United States come from women who are not married. According to the CDC abortion statistics the largest percentage of women having abortion when it comes to age

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