The money spent on San Francisco’s homeless problem may be the result of the money generated by the Super Bowl since that is the Super Bowl City. The citizens that live in San Francisco may have higher bills and taxes in order to engage in the Super Bowl activity. Many people may not earn high enough wages to afford higher bills and the Super Bowl is not free. Therefore, this could be the reason to job loss and the high amount of homeless in the city. I believe removing the homeless people in the city just for the Super Bowl party was an unnecessary act. All it would have done is create an illusion that the city has no poverty, though nobody is born rich. According to the article by Alison Vekshin titled “San Francisco Nudges Homeless Away
After the super bowl 51 was announced to be at the NRG stadium some articles become available such as this which report how this event may affect the homelessness. Of course, the streets should be clean and presentable because Houston expected to receive visitor coming from different parts of the world. They said Houston must clean up the streets which include removing the homeless persons. However, this article said this was not the solution and affected the homelessness who expected to receive handouts during those days. They give some ideas of how people could help the homeless persons. This article from the news may be an example of homelessness in Houston. It shows credible information about homelessness, and it is true that sometimes
San Francisco is ranked eighth in the nation with the population of the amount of homeless population. Because of the this, it has been causing San Francisco problems with preparing for the Super Bowl Fifty.Why does one of the major cities in California have such a large homeless population?Well, the article entitled, San Francisco nudges homeless away from Super Bowl fan village, published by Bloomberg News, the article states,” It has worsened as a technology boom drawing thousands of well paid-workers has inflated housing costs…” Coming from this article, as technology is getting more efficient, the numbers of jobs are going to down and the rate of homeless people is going to go up. This supports why San Francisco has such a large homeless
What is San Francisco, California known for? Well, anyone would say that it is known for its architecture, the cable cars, the steep rolling hills, and even landmarks such as Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary and the Golden Gate Bridge. Did you know that San Francisco is also one of the most expensive cities to live in? Maybe you didn’t know that as you’re looking up at all of the beautiful murals and architecture, you might be stepping over used needles and/or human feces. Residents of San Francisco face more issues than we can even wrap our heads around. This avalanche of need is what causes organizations that help alleviate the stress and pain of the lower and middle classes of San Francisco so important.
In this article it talks about how San Fransisico is eliminatting all of there homeless people, because they are doing construction on the Super Bowl fan village. This was all over the news, yeah i get it you want your city to look clean and nice, that doesn’t give you the right to kick people out of where they live. Especially if they wern’t doing anything too you. In the article it says “ When alot of cameras are going to be pointed on the city, they want to have an image of the city that does not include poverty” when she says poverty she is talking about homeless people being everywhere. This is a good thing though because, these homeless people get to be in a shelter that all these nice people made for them, so they should be thankful
There are varying estimates regarding the number of homeless people in America. According to reports from NLCHP the number of homeless people in America is 3 million which include 1.3 million children. ("Homelessness and Poverty, Overview," 1). As I am living in the state of California so I want you to take notice of the homelessness in this state. Estimates reveal that there are 4,400 to 8,800 homeless people in Foresno County (Della-Piana, 2006). The other areas like San Joaquin County has 2,700 people homeless (Farrow, 2009) and in Sacramento County there are similar number of homeless individuals. The situation has become worse due to financial crisis and financial conditions of foreclosures and layoffs. Other reasons are shortage of cheap housing and increase in inner city drug culture due to which homelessness increased in California's Central Valley.
Homelessness in Seattle has proven to be a tremendous issue. Fighting for years, Seattle has not been able to make any significant improvements when it comes to homelessness. Although eliminating homelessness may seem to have a simple solution, more housing, the causes of homelessness determine how difficult eliminating it will be. Seattle’s homelessness stems from many complex issues that can be traced back many years. One of the most significant causes of homelessness in Seattle is cuts in funding towards low-income housing combined with raised rent prices in both previously affordable housing and housing geared towards the affluent.
One of the causes of homelessness in Baltimore City is lack of affordable housing, this includes subsidized housing from the state. Lack of affordable housing in Baltimore City is due to an increase luxury housing and Baltimore’s decrease desire for rental housing (Mayor’s Office of Human Services, 2013). Available housing is not proportional to the wages of people living in Baltimore City. Nearly half of renters in Baltimore spend 35% of their income or more on their rent. The waiting list for Baltimore City opened in 2014 and 74,000 households applied for 25,000 available slots for up to six years to own a voucher (“Homelessness in Baltimore,” 2017). For the extremely poor population there are only 42 available homes for over 100 people who identify with the population (Public Justice Center, 2015). Therefore, Baltimore needs to make affordable housing for their population or there should be an increase in jobs and wages. However, the private sector is not interested in developing houses for the low-income population because it is not profitable compared to selling a building to a company to make luxury housing (Richman, 2015).
In America’s finest city, vivid thoughts of beaches, sunshine, and excitement all come to mind. Pictures that do not come to mind are the streets that are lined with tents, trash bags full of clothes, old sleeping bags, and items that have value to the owner. All across America, homelessness perpetuates to expand and worsen. Homelessness has been a growing issue these past few years in San Diego and residents are finally speaking out about it. This is a concern that requires to be taken care in one way or another. Components of homelessness include lack of shelter, food, and medical care. One’s who suffer from homelessness are all different ages, races, and have a unique story of their own. It is time for the city of San Diego to find a solution to this matter of contention and pursue to put an end to homelessness.
In San Francisco since there is a large population of homeless people they are being told to move out because the super bowl party is going to take place and when photographers arrive they don’t want to show that poverty exists just by removing homeless people. San Francisco nudges homeless away from the Super Bowl fan village by Alison Vekshin, Bloomberg news, adapted by Newsela staff. According to politicians they are saying that homeless people must move out of the area of Super Bowl City. According to Christine Falvey a spokeswoman for mayor Lee she says that the city wide is included emergency shelters for homeless people. San Francisco had an estimate of 6,775 homeless
New York city’s population is 8.5 million, one in one hundred and forty-seven New Yorkers are currently homeless. it is estimated that 58,000 homeless men, women and children sleep in homeless shelters and at least 3,100 sleep in the streets during winter. (Bowery). By looking at the sociological impact of homelessness, I will argue that New York city’s greatest problem is homelessness.
This is my third year living in San Francisco, I’ve been traveling to different cities and the homelessness is a serious issue that I concerned about. Especially the homeless problem in San Francisco is serious than other cities that I visited. According to the Data Shows San Francisco Has Second Highest Homeless Population in United States by Kristen Sze published on ABC7news, there are 795 people per 100,000 residents in San Francisco are homeless, and ranks to second to New York in homelessness.
In fiscal year 2006, the HUD, Department of Housing and Urban Development, was presented a budget by the Bush Administration consisting of $528.5 billion for homeless programs (Romeo 1). The problem of homelessness and extreme poverty is not a new occurrence; but in past years more extreme measures have been taken to combat the issue as more people become homeless. Expensive social programs and housing developments for the homeless have been created to help battle the increasing issue. Homelessness is an expensive problem that will never end; furthermore, the condition of homeless people in America is affected by the type of education they receive, the state of the economy, and the amount of funds that are available to house and feed them.
According to many people, homelessness is caused by low minimum wage, high unemployment rates, and overpriced housing. The minimum wage in California is $9.00 a hour, and a one bedroom apartment in Los Angeles is about $1,983. About 7.1 percent of the people are unemployed in the Los Angeles county, and about half the people rely on minimum wage. These overpriced apartments make it difficult for many families and individuals to have a stable home. When it comes to minimum wage or unemployment, you have one of two options, you either go hungry or become homeless. In order to fight against the real issue, we have to raise minimum wage, create more jobs, lower rent prices, or provide more financial support to
Over the years Los Angeles has had the highest number of homeless people; this situation has been highly overlooked by media and political attention. Cities in many parts of the world may be known as centers for poverty whether if it 's a developed or developing country. No city, state, or country is prone to homelessness. Los Angeles in particular is an entry point for many immigrants who come to look for jobs. The intentions are not to cause there to be a vulnerability to poverty but to try to make a living some how. “Skid Row homeless population originates in South LA – where services and shelters lack resource adequacy and unemployment rates are high among adult men – and policy discussions rarely focus on this trend” (Howard, 4). Los Angeles Skid Row, is known to have the heaviest homeless population compared to other cities. Los Angeles does provide some homeless services like shelter and low-cost housing options for the poor but one of the issues that many homeless people come across is the lack of healthcare. Everyone can suffer from physical and mental health issues but there is a bigger impact on the homeless people in the Los Angeles county because they are not obtaining the proper help mentally, physically, and socially. Many people lose their lives or spread many disease amongst the community. The city of Los Angeles should provide healthcare for the homeless because this issue affects the homeless and everyone else around. More disease are passed around, more
Homelessness has been an ongoing problem in the United States and it cannot be decreased until each state comes up with a plan that is affective. However, in order for this to work the economy needs to recover to the point where no one is without a job and is paid a wage that is manageable. The negative stereotypes of judging the homeless needs to be stopped and people need to be educated that homelessness can affect anyone. Although there are many services available to assist the homeless it is not enough. Big corporations can play a major role in assisting the homeless by training and hiring as well as donating goods to monetary funds. Homelessness is not only affecting those that are homeless, it is affecting every city and community in every state. People make the choice of looking the other way and refuse to acknowledge the hardships most of the homeless have and has to endure. Our government officials need to look into the welfare system and try to move some of those recipients who have no disabilities and not elderly, but those who have made a career utilizing the system because it is easier than trying to find a job. The welfare system has offered many services to their recipients from daycare to job training. Nevertheless, while some states and even cities have managed to decrease the amount of people facing and experiencing homelessness there is still work to be done. When you see major companies leaving the states for cheaper labor, what does this say