
Pros And Cons Of The Renaissance

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One of the three main discoveries that will be discussed is early applications of linear perspective and this will be shown through representing the body, representing space and the body in space.
During the Renaissance period the world saw a great blend between art and science and because of this the era was coined the term Scientific Renaissance period. The great advances that happened was discovered in the fields of geography, astronomy, physics, mathematics, manufacturing, engineering, anatomy and astronomy. In this period ancient scientific text were rediscovered and during 1453 and after the Fall of Constantinople which was the capture of the capital of the Byzantine Empire by an invading army of the Ottoman Empire. The invention of printing would enable people to democratize learning and allow a faster propagation of new ideas. Some people see the renaissance as one that caused scientific backwardness. One of these people were George Sarton who argued that scientific progress was slowed for a period of time. Some of the positive influences of the Renaissance was the rediscovery of lost texts and the increased emphasis on the study of language.

According to “What renaissance artists had clearly achieved through the careful observation of nature, including studies of anatomical dissections, was the means to recreate the 3-dimensional physical reality of the human form on two-dimensional surfaces. In part, the key to this achievement lay in

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