
Pros And Cons Of Transgenders In The Military

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Banning transgenders from serving in the military contradicts civil liberties. The government would be in violation of that law because it protects the rights of citizens. The U.S. Constitution does state in the first 10 amendments, which is the Bill of rights was designed to protect the citizen’s rights and freedom. Transgenders is a choice, a person’s choice, much like religion. The government has no authority to intervene on a personal free choice as free citizen. Banning transgenders from serving in the military is considered a form of discrimination and violates the Bill of Rights. Power is limited on the government and denies the right to interfere with a citizen’s personal choices.

Banning transgendered individuals from serving in the military also contradicts civil rights. Civil rights are an assurance to the citizen of U.S. that they will have equality. Equality meaning, no discrimination against one’s gender, age or race. The decision to ban transgenders from the military is clearly an act of gender issues. Trump is not focusing on the problem with potential threats to the U.S. is problem is gender, transgenders. Its prohibited by the government to treat any being differently due to their gender. It does not matter if women decided to become a man and/or a man decided to become a woman, that a free choice and has nothing to do with serving this country. The ban against these individuals in the military also violates the Declaration of Independence, this is a natural right. This is a defilement of the civil rights.
I believe that Mr. Trump will have no success on banning transgenders from the military. I can understand the concerns of the financial aspects of the transgender medical related cares for members. Woman have been fighting for quality since the 1960s, to have equal rights as men, and today they have it. Equal rights mean just that, equal rights for the both male and female. Civil Rights assures equality from the government and Trump needs to remember that. Removing transgenders from the military based on their transgender is deplorable and curl. These people have families to support. I believe the federal courts will take a case against this situation and ban Trump from doing any banning

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