
Pros And Cons : The Use Of Force In Law Enforcement

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The use of force, with regards to law enforcements use of it, is a complex topic that should be looked at in all perspectives. There is tension between the police and the community they work for, on whether this is a power that the officers should have or not. There are ambiguous laws that do not give law enforcement offices much guidelines on what is exactly permissible when it comes to force, and all the different situations it could occur. The line that the use of force leis on is often a fine one. It is teetering between excessive force and never being able to enforce the laws. The use of forces is a conversation that is worth having with all the pros and cons that it brings to the discussion board.
One instance of excessive force that was executed by law enforcement was on Lavall Hall. Two years ago, in February the family of Lavall Hall called the police after he left the house. The family claimed the Lavall was a paranoid schizophrenic. The police searched or Lavall and found him on the sidewalk with a broom stick in hand. The law enforcement officers approach Lavall and he strikes both police officers in the head with the broom stick. One of the officers fired five shots directed towards Lavall Hall, two of the bullets hit him and ended his life. After this happened, the family filed a civil lawsuit against the City of Miami Gardens former city police chief Steven Johnson and the two officers that where on the scene, officer Eddo Trimino and officer

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